Photo: Anna Biggs
Books, chapters, articles & reviews
Iain Biggs ‘Two Postcards: Towards a Liberated Ethnographic Imagination’ in Nic Craith, M., Strani, K., & Mackie, A. (eds). Heimatkunde: Explorations of Place & Belonging Lit Verlag 2024.
Iain Biggs ‘Making Sense of Place: three responses’ in Andrew Mackensie / Helen Carnac / David Gates: Sensing Place – Three Responses Sarah Myerscough Gallery, Barnes 2023.
Imogen Humphris , Lummina G. Horlings, & Iain Biggs: “‘Getting Deep into Things’/ Deep Mapping in a ‘Vacant’ Landscape” in Alex Franklin (ed) Co-Creativity And Engaged Scholarship Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
A reading/review of Michael Hirschbichler’s Spirit Grounds (made with Mary Modeen) to Site Reading Writing Quarterly. See
Mary Modeen and Iain Biggs Creative Engagements with Ecologies of Place: Geopoetics, Deep Mapping and Slow Residency Routledge 2020.
‘A Peripheral Vision”? in Journal of Visual Art Practice DOI: 10.1080/14702029.2021.1984690.
Keynote talk: ‘After Disciplinarity? Mutual Accompaniment, ensemble practices, and the climate emergency’ for Breaking Boundaries, a post-graduate inter-disciplinary conference for Arts, Humanities and Social Science students hosted by Cardiff University but is open to post graduate students from all Cardiff Universities, Bath, Exeter and Bristol.
Book chapter ‘Ensemble Practices’ in Cameron Cartiere and Leon Tan (eds). Routledge Companion to Art in the Public Realm London & New York, Routledge.
‘Painting Place’ (catalogue essay) in Eamon Colman The Width of Yourself Soloman Gallery, Dublin 6-29 Feb.
Lindsey McEwen, Luci Gorell Barnes, Katherine Phillips, Iain Biggs ‘Reweaving urban water‐community relations: Creative, participatory river “daylighting” and local hydrocitizenship’ in Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers Feb. 2020
‘Walking Away? From deep mapping to mutual accompaniment’ in Helen Billinghurst, Claire Hind & Phil Smith (eds). Walking Bodies: Papers, Provocations, Actions, Triarchy Press 2020. ‘
Erin Kavanagh & Iain Biggs ‘The Crow Road: performing bridge-making’, Green Letters, 23:3, 286-305.
Performance lecture (with Erin Kavanagh) The Selkie: figuring, an essay and paper (with Ciara Healy-Musson), Animism, Thin Places, and Porous Margins: a heterodox dialogue? at the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, Cork.
Public talk Terrestrial Matters at NUI, Galway, for the Climate Cultures workshop organised by Prof. Nessa Cronin, May 14th.
Walking away? From deep mapping to mutual accompaniment given at the ‘Walking’s New Movements Conference’ at Plymouth University, 1st-3rd November.
Book chapter ‘Notitia, trust, and “creative research”’ in Katja Hilevaara & Emily Orley (eds) 2018 The Creative Critics: Writing as/about Practice London & New York, Routledge.
Book chapter ‘Christine Baeumler’s Mycelial Art Practice’ in Colleen J. Sheehy (ed.) (2018) Pollinators at the Plains: Christine Baeumler’s Defiant Garden for the Plains North Dakota: Plains Art Museum.
‘Re-Visioning “North” as an ecosophical context for creative practices’ in Timo Jokela & Glen Coutts (eds) 2017 Relate North: Culture, Community, and Communication Rovaniemi, Lapland University Press
“’Incorrigibly plural’? Rural Lifeworlds Between Concept and Experience” Canadian Journal of Irish Studies Vol. 38 nos. 1-2 2015 pp. 260 – 279
‘Beyond aestheticism and scientism: notes towards an “ecosophical” praxis’ in Brett Wilson, Barbara Hawkins, Stuart Sim (eds) Art, Science, and Cultural Understanding Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground Publishing, University of Illinois.
‘From another place: notes on context’ for Louise Ravelli, Brian Paltridge, and Sue Starfield (eds) Doctoral Writing in the Creative and Performing Arts: the researcher/practitioner nexus. London:Libri
‘Singing Across Thresholds, or: Notes on educating extra-academic and extra-disciplinary creative practitioners’ in James Elkins Artists with PhDs: On the New Doctoral Degree in Studio Art New Academia Publishing, LLC; expanded edition
‘Deep mapping and rural connectivities’ (with Jane Bailey, Dan Buzzo & Sarah Blowen) in C Hennessey, R Means & V Burholt (eds) Grey and Pleasant Land?: Older People’s Connectivity in Rural Community Life Bristol, Policy Press.
Bailey, J & Biggs, I (2012) ‘Either Side of Delphy Bridge”: a deep mapping project evoking and engaging the lives of older adults in rural North Cornwall’ in Journal of Rural Studies (guest editor Paul Milbourne) online publication 13-MAR-2012 –
“The Southdean Project – essaying site as memory work” in Geography and Memory: Explorations in identity, place and becoming (2012) (eds Dr Owain Jones and Dr Joanne Garde-Hansen) Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan.
‘The Conversational Weave (another place)’ for exhibition by Andrea Thoma and Joyce Lyon: Dialogue in Place II, Form+Content Gallery in Minneapolis, February 9 -March17, 2012.
‘Antony Lyons’ Quantock Dreaming: Developing a ‘deep mapping’ practice’ in Tom Sowden (ed) (2012) Weatherproof / Quantock Dreaming Bristol: Wild Conversations Press.
‘The Spaces of “Deep Mapping”: a partial account’ in Journal of Arts and Communities Vol 2 No 1 (July 2011) pp.5-25.
Yvonne Buchheim & Iain Biggs SAP (Song Archive Project) Bristol SAP Press ISBN 978-0-9570771-0-2
‘Essaying Place: Landscape, Music, and Memory (after Janet Wolff)’ – chapter in Process: Landscape and Text eds Adeline Johns-Putra & Catherine Brace (Amsterdam & New York, Rodopi 2010) ISBN-10: 9042030755
‘The Sowdun Project – testimonial imagination, Borders ballads, and the politics of (dis-) enchantment’ in Cultural Memory: Reformations of the past in the present and present in the past eds Malcolm Miles & Vardan Azatyan (2010) Plymouth, University of Plymouth Press ISBN 978-1-84102-253-6
‘Song and the presence of Absent Communities’ in Journal of Arts and Communities vol 1 no 1 pp. 7-23
Art as Research: Creative Practice and Academic Authority: A project-based examination of the politics of art-led research in a doctoral context VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG
So Near [a conversation] So Far and Conversation: another context, two commissioned essays (in English & German) for two separate retrospective catalogues for the travelling exhibition So Nahe So Fern – So Near So Far (forthcoming: University of Leeds) – exhibitions in Ebersberg 21.10.07-11.11.07), Germany & London
‘Place, Enchantment, and “Visual Refrain”: a Context for Recent Book Work by Helen Douglas’ in The Blue Notebook vol 1 no 2 April 2007 pp. 12-21.
‘Bordering’ in Holly McLaren (ed) bordering: an art / geography collaboration (2007) London: Queen Mary, University of London
‘Recovering Landscape: an art between seeing and hearing’ in Journal of Visual Arts Practice vol. 5 no 1 & 2 2006
‘Towards a Polytheistic Relationship to Landscape: Issues for Contemporary Art’ in Landscape Research vol 30 no 1 pp. 5-22
Amanda Wood & Iain Biggs ‘Creative Practices and the “Stigma of the Therapeutic”: an issue for postgraduate pedagogy?’ Chapter Ten in Miles, M (ed) New Practices New Pedagogies: a Reader London and New York: Routledge pp. 117 – 131.
‘Unearthing Other Voices – a “polytheistic” approach to landscape’ in Surface: Land/Water and the Visual Arts (2005) Bristol: University of Plymouth Books in association with Intellect Books, pp. 10-27
Judith Tucker & Iain Biggs LAN2D – beyond landscape? Royal West of England Academy, Bristol
‘Hybrid texts and academic authority: the wager in creative practice research’ in Thinking Through Art: art / philosophy / language London & New York: Routledge 2005. Chapter 13 pp. 190 – 200.
“Educating ‘Local Cosmopolitans’: the case for a critical regionalism in art education?” in Journal of Visual Art Practice Vol. 1 No. 1 ISSN 1470-2029 pp. 16 – 24
‘The State of the Art: Art Education and Radical Imagination’ in European Journal of Arts Education Feb. 2000 ISSN1464-6986 pp 71- 79.
Ken Kiff’s Sequence. Editor and author (includes essays by Norbert Lynton and Martha Kapos). Bristol, MakingSpace Publications ISBN 1 900999 11 0, 24 full colour reproductions, 158 black and white illustrations, 119 pages.
“Translation and a ‘realism of the psyche’: the example of Ken Kiff – part two” in Drawing Fire Vol. 2. No. 3. pp 45-53.
“Translation and a ‘realism of the psyche’: the example of Ken Kiff – part one” in Drawing Fire Vol. 2 No. 1. 36-4
“Wild Conversations/Peripheral Visions: towards another art education” in Random Access 2: Ambient Fears eds. P Buchler & N Papastergiadis, 1996 London, Rivers Oram Press pp72-82.
“Towards an Ethical Imagination: an interview with Richard Kearney” in Drawing Fire Vol. 1 No. 2 pp 27-34.
“Peripheral Visions” in The Artist and the Academy: issues in fine art education and the wider educational context eds. N de Ville & S Foster, 1994 Southampton, John Hansard Gallery pp115-135.