Today I received my contributor’s copy of this very substantial book (to which I’ve contributed the final chapter). It’s edited by Louise Ravelli, Brian Paltridge and Sue Starfield, who all teach in Australia (Louise and Sue at the University of New South Wales and Brian at the University of Sidney) and is published by Libri Publishing. The editorial team previously worked together on a research project that focused on doctoral writing in the creative and performing arts in Australia, and wanted to produce a book that focused on “the diversity of written forms” to be found in theses. Louise is an expert in matters of academic literacy, Sue has already published extensively on issues related to doctoral writing and supervision, and Brian is, among other things, an editor emeritus for the journal English for Specific Purposes. As this might suggest, this is a book intended to offer useful practical insights to both students and supervisors alike. One of it’s aims is ‘to ensure that current knowledge in the field” of creative and performing arts research “is widely disseminated” and I very much hope that it does so, since the editors have worked long and hard to pull it together. I particularly respond to the way in which they have included the student voice, so that the second of the three sections consists of contributions from seven former doctoral students.
My own essay is in part a ‘pair’ to one published earlier this year in the second edition of James Elkins’ Artists with PhDs: On the New Doctoral Degree in Studio Art (which as yet appears to be unavailable in this country).